Early Career Professional Travel Award


Section: Education Section

Award: Up to $1,000 in travel support

Applicable to: Young professionals

Deadline: No award for 2024

The Early Career Professional Travel Award was established to promote attendance of recently graduated young professionals at the Annual Meeting who have made substantial contributions to the field through continued education, outreach, and AFS service. The award provides up to $1,000 in travel support to one individual to attend the annual meeting. Preference will be given to individuals presenting at the meeting, those involved in continuing education or outreach, and those in need of financial assistance for travel.

Requirements for Application

All young professional members (within 5 years post-graduation), including agency biologists, postdoctoral associates, and faculty are encouraged to apply. Applicants must be considered Early Career Professionals at the time of application.

Application Package

The application should consist of the following:

    1. Letter of Interest that includes the following:
    2. Service to the Society, AFS sections, divisions, or chapters
    3. Reasons for attending meeting
    4. Statement of financial need
    5. Statement of career goals
  1. Current CV, degree(s), list of publications, honors and awards, and presentations
  2. Title and abstract of the contributed paper(s) or poster(s) being presented at the annual meeting

Application Address and Deadline

Please submit the application in electronic format (single PDF preferable) to Dan Weaver and Erin Peterson (Chairs of the Membership and Early Career Professionals Committee) at [email protected] and [email protected]. The recipient will be notified by May 15.

Award Recipient Expectations

The award winner will be required to attend the Education Section Business Meeting to receive the award and will also be asked to contribute to the Section’s winter newsletter.

Apply Today!

You must be recognized as an AFS Member to apply for the Early Career Professional Travel Award. If you’re not a member, please join today!