Author: Kayla Key
The AFS Equal Opportunities Section is leading an effort to increase participation in the Society by graduate and undergraduate students from underrepresented groups, including women and minorities. Travel awards not exceeding $500 each will be awarded...
Meet the Candidates: 2nd VP Election Coming up!
Dear membership, We have the 2nd VP Election coming up very soon. As part of this we have a webinar scheduled for members to meet the candidates – Julie Defilippi Simpson and Cecil Jenniings. This is a...
Virtual Spring Conference Update!
AFS Virtual Spring Conference 2020: A message from leadership “We wanted to provide an update for you on the virtual conference. We have a full 10 talks to lead us off on April 16...
Deadline Extended! ECP Travel award
Early Career Professional Travel Award application deadline has been extended to May 15, 2020.
Deadline Extended for Best Student Presentation/Poster Symposium!
Deadline is extended until April 20, 2020!